Cigarette Prices in Australia

Published by Mike The Price Man on

Cigarette Prices Australia

Cigarettes in Australia are some of the most expensive in the world. Find out how much a pack of cigarettes will cost you at Coles, Woolworths, or your local convenience store.

Here are the latest cigarette prices in Australia:

  • a packet of 20 cigarettes costs $23.86
  • a packet of 25 cigarettes costs $29.48
  • a packet of 30 cigarettes costs $38.11
  • a packet of 35 cigarettes costs $41.95
  • a packet of 40 cigarettes costs $49.63
  • a packet of 50 cigarettes costs $53.95
  • RYO tobacco costs between $34.95 and $74.95

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Why Are Australian Cigarettes So Expensive?

One word – taxes. Technically, they’re called excise rates, but you can simply think of it as a rule the government brought in, to increase prices of cigarettes – by forcing the suppliers to increase the cost of cigarettes which they then give to the government.

How much exactly? That depends on the pack. Currently, the excise in place is on a per stick (per individual cigarette) basis. Meaning the amount the government takes is based on the number of cigarettes in each pack.

From 1 March 2018, the current rate was $0.71046 per stick. From 1 September 2018, it’s increased to $0.80726 per stick. And for the next 3 years until 2020, it’s going to increase by 12.5% each year.

For example, let’s take a 25 pack of Winnies. There are 25 cigarette sticks in a pack, at $0.80726 per stick, that means $20.18 is going to our government. The rest will be spread out between the retailers, suppliers, and middlemen.

That’s why the cigarettes are so cheap over in Indonesia, Thailand, and China. Their government doesn’t impose such high excises (if any).

Otherwise, if you want to learn a little more about vaping and the benefits of e-cigarettes – visit our page on vape prices.

Where’s The Cheapest Place To Buy Cigarettes?

Probably Coles or Woolworths. They have some of the strongest buying power in Australia and can demand lower prices from their own suppliers and pass the savings on to you.

Other than that, Free Choice Tobacconist is also considered one of the leading & cheapest tobacco retailers in Australia. They have quite a few stores around Australia. Click here to find one close to you.

7 Eleven Service Station In Australia
7 Eleven Service Station In Australia

If you plan on heading down to your local service station or convenience store, expect the prices in the table above to increase between 10-40%. They know you’re there for convenience and are going to charge you for it.

Want to buy cigarettes online? Think again. From our research, there are no dependable online cigarettes sellers in Australia. There are some companies trying to sell to Australians, but many report their success rates through customs is quite poor.

Your best bet is to head to Coles or Woolworths, and purchase your cigarettes there if you’re looking for the cheapest price.

Are Cigarette Prices Going To Increase?

Yes. They’re going to increase quite a bit over the next few years until 2020.

Why? The government has imposed a dramatic increase to the excise rates on cigarettes. The full legislation can be found here under the Excise Tariff Act 1921.

As mentioned earlier, this is how much extra the government is going to increase the excise rate (fancy name for tax) by each year:

DateExcise Increase
1 September 201812.5%
1 September 201912.5%
1 September 202012.5%

That means a $35 pack of cigarettes today, will cost more than $50 in 3 years.

Does that scare you? It should. $50 for a pack of cigarettes is a lot. of. money. Consider your options – vaping is a highly regarded method to transition from cigarettes to a cheaper smoking style.

How Much Did Cigarettes Used To Cost In Australia?

They were cheap. Damn they where cheap. Here’s a table comparing the past 30 years of prices for one of the most popular packs in Australia – the Winfield 25’s.

YearWinfield 25 RRP

Unfortunately, it’s not going to stop there. With the new legislation brought in increasing the excise rate for cigarettes each year until 2020, you’re going to have to pass over more of your money each time you head to the shops and grab a pack.

Look – we’re not your Mum. If you want to smoke, go ahead, we’re not going to stop you. But if you’re thinking about quitting, consider vaping instead or read one of these guides.

Not only will your wallet be far fatter at the end of each week, but you’ll be able to breathe easier, think clearer, and live longer.

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Mike The Price Man

Hi! I'm Mike - I hope you found the post above helpful. I created Aussie Prices because I noticed many websites only provided USA or UK prices, and nothing for us Aussies. So I spent a bit of time researching and put this site together. If you have any questions about the prices - let me know in the comments below. If you want to learn more about what Aussie Prices is all about, click here.

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Jennifer Noy
Jennifer Noy
6 years ago

Prices currently in Australia especially ACT. ASAP Please reply

6 years ago

I encourage everyone to stop smoking, and try an alternative if required. Think of it this way, your money is just going to the housing of the third world immigrants in this country.

I have stopped for 2 months and have turned to Vaping. I had been smoking for more than 20 years.

Stick it to the government and the third world immigrants.

Cigarettes will be $50 a packet in 2020.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ben

have you considered the affects and health risk also of vaping – do you really believe it is a better alternative.

Beat the shit out of a racist once, felt great!
Beat the shit out of a racist once, felt great!
5 years ago
Reply to  Ben

You’re an idiot with zero actual understanding of how social welfare works, or the means by which it funded, and the availability of it to a non-citizen. Stop blindly repeating the shit you hear on A Current Affairs and do your own research. I doubt you’re capable of that however, most racists like you literally cannot consider any other viewpoint or tolerate facts that disprove your bullshit. So do us all a favor and **** a cheese-grater.

Ben the Racist
Ben the Racist
5 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Yancestors are third world immigrants Ben – stop judging and condemning those who are trying to live a better life when all the Aus Gov wants to do is imprison them…and who gives a flying **** where money goes? It doesn’t in fact go anywhere because it’s digital money and not real. Why do I bother? Your all suffering the terminal disease of living in your minds anyway…no hope…

Vote Ben for PM
Vote Ben for PM
5 years ago
Reply to  Ben the Racist

Hear freakin hear mate.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Your racist views are as developed and cultured as an unemployed white Aussie sitting on their *** without a job claiming Centrelink.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Congraulations on quitting Ben. Having lost my husband at 47 from smoking, I am so committed to helping people to quit smoking, that I have helped over 2000 people quit smoking over the last 9 years and still give a Lifetime Guarantee. Yes I have a few people come back because they have started smoking again, even one chap came back after quitting 7 years as he had a puff thinking it would be OK. How do I do that and be so successful. I am a hypnotherapist and in just one session people are non smokers. Why am I… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Maureen

I want to quit smoking its costing me a fortune and my health please help me

4 years ago
Reply to  Jodie

You might benefit from joining a quit smoking website where you can absorb the truth about your habit and the consequences there of. It will help you discover where you justify your habit by the lies you tell yourself. Then go cold turkey the next morning, or see your doctor.

Anthony Ellis
Anthony Ellis
5 years ago
Reply to  Jodie

vape bro

5 years ago
Reply to  Maureen

Maureen I need help too

Mel Midla
Mel Midla
5 years ago
Reply to  Maureen

Hi Maureen. Is your service free? If so I would like your help to quit smoking. I am from VIC

Amanda Bingham
Amanda Bingham
5 years ago
Reply to  Maureen

Hi Maureen,
I really like your dedication. Good on you!
I am interested in hypnotherapy. How do I get in contact with you.

Heather D’heureux
Heather D’heureux
5 years ago
Reply to  Maureen

Hi Maureen, interested … can you please send me more info.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ben

are you high on cigarettes? Do some reading man, you need to know how tax system works and where does the money flow to.

Captain cooked
Captain cooked
5 years ago
Reply to  Ben

There’s always a cheaper local option you just gotta ask around where to get em

Maria Herrick
Maria Herrick
5 years ago
Reply to  Captain cooked

I have asked around on gold coast I can’t find any where do u know any places ?

5 years ago
Reply to  Maria Herrick

try some Arab shop or afghan they are selling pack of cig 10 to 15 buck

6 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Smoke is smoke

6 years ago
Reply to  Ben

idiot the money is going to house 3rd world immigrants, get your facts right, it goes into the war machine FFS

5 years ago
Reply to  Trev

Australia has no “War Machine”. There are more Cops in the New York City Police Department, than there are personnel (including clerks, admin, accountants, lawyers, janitors) in the entity of the Australian Defense Forces.

Zephanora Zebida
Zephanora Zebida
5 years ago
Reply to  Adam

Google says otherwise.

5 years ago
Reply to  Trev

And also the 1st world’s super idiots like you living on Dole

6 years ago
Reply to  Ben

It’s cruel what the government do. It’s an ADDICTION.

5 years ago
Reply to  Julie

Don’t worry. The government have an addition of their own. As smoking rates decline in the population, they MUST increase the tax in order to maintain the revenue they have become so ADDICTED to,.

5 years ago
Reply to  Julie

It is Julie. I remember as a kid being able to buy *** lollies. To increase the price by so much, regularly is not fair on those of us that are addicted. People are different some find it easier .I suffer from anxiety,panic attacks and I have no idea if or how I can give up. I’m empotionally and physically addicted. Hypnosis might work but who can afford that . I’m grateful that my kids won’t be smokers but enough is enough ( it’s becoming socially unacceptable anyway. Try finding a place you can smoke in a big city )

Bea Brinkley
Bea Brinkley
5 years ago
Reply to  Dee

Hence, I am not going out anymore, not going to any shops no more either! Not going on holidays, not spending money on nothing else! (Quit happy, it all equals out.)saving money this way! Surely that must cost the economy money! I wonder, if business, restaurants, pups, etc, have noticed?

5 years ago
Reply to  Dee

Hey Dee, I feel for ya darlin’. It’s rough suffering from an addiction in itself let alone panic attacks and anxiety. I know how you feel and I’m always going to offer my friendship and support to those who struggle and need a listener or just someone to chat to. Reach out to me if you ever feel like it.
Take care, Yelka.

5 years ago
Reply to  Dee

Artificially raising prices for a good that many Australians are dependant on is amoral, there is no denying that. To force normal, working Australians to pay 2x 3x even 4x what we should be paying is a horrendous policy brought forth by our corrupt government. But it has absolutely nothing at all the **** to do with prioritising other working families from developing nations over the rights of other white, immigrant descended peoples. The government making a quick buck on our addictions is horrendous but holy **** there are some clear and obvious insecurities that you harbour if you feel… Read more »

Vote Dom for PM.
Vote Dom for PM.
5 years ago
Reply to  Dom

Totally hear you, Dom. Couldn’t have said it better myself.

5 years ago
Reply to  Dom

Totally agree with u defending immigrants as unless ur aboriginal (the minority) then that’s all of us! But to say some of us are “dependent” on cigarettes is a bit much.. dependent on food/ water/ shelter/ acceptance is fair enough (it would be near impossible to live without those) but cigarettes..? “Addicted” maybe, but even that expression is a bit ****** up as it just means you feel compelled to do it.. well remind yourself it costs over $1 a ***, makes u stink and will eventually kill you (sometimes quickly and within s few months- lung cancer, but often… Read more »

Let’s all keep it a healthy discussion
Let’s all keep it a healthy discussion
5 years ago
Reply to  Lee

Hey, Lee. “Substance use disorder” is a preferred term in the scientific community. When people use the term “dependence,” they are usually referring to a physical dependence on a substance. Dependence is characterized by the symptoms of tolerance and withdrawal. While it is possible to have a physical dependence without being addicted, addiction is usually right around the corner. Addiction is marked by a change in behavior caused by the biochemical changes in the brain after continued substance abuse. I hear where you’re coming from but each individual is different and will find it harder to give up an addiction… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Lee

Mate f%%k you when I got locked up the first thing i wanted when got out was a smoke/bourbon and that was only 3 months without them used to be a p%thead and alcoholic gave both them up easy now all I got left is cigarettes but tobacco is a true addiction I don’t wanna have to give up because of ridiculous prices people make it out to be so bad we used to be able to smoke inside and pretty much everywhere we wanted not that I remember cause only 29 so miss those harmful days of smoking on… Read more »

Mitch has some pretty good points guys.
Mitch has some pretty good points guys.
5 years ago
Reply to  Mitch

Hey Mitch, really sorry to hear about your grandparents. It’s rough seeing loved ones in pain. Actually it’s painful seeing loved ones in pain. Thinking of ya mate.
You’ve got a lot of bloody good points in there and I whole heartedly agree with you. (You actually made me crack up a few times with your use of words haha)
Keep ya chin up and look after yaself.

5 years ago
Reply to  Lee

Hey Lee , just one little thing missing from your speech; and from all other anti’s; it’s the ”FREE CHOICE” or RIGHT. I enjoy my INDIVIDUAL RIGHT to enjoy my nicotine and caffeine. Yes, I know there may be risks, but I am prepared to take them, as it’s MY RIGHT as a INDIVIDUAL.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Your hostile and combative mob-attitude towards ‘the other’ almost makes me want to smoke more just to spite you

6 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Your sympathetic plight for people that refuse to follow our laws and live better than pensioners off our tax money is astounding.

Have a heart
Have a heart
6 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

What’s your problem. Have some compassion for people in need. Hopefully you never need help. Unbelievable

Fleur Mckinney
Fleur Mckinney
6 years ago

Nice work putting that together Mike ..
our govt sux and is taxing us as an individual way to much ..
somethings gotta change ..
no more gst .. bugga then !!
They need to copy everything Sweden does as it works .. with income tax, education and healthcare!!

6 years ago

Why do we let our government do this crap to us!? We Aussies are so pathetic! No one ever speaks up! We just accept anything the government does! In other countries people speak out! They rally they fight back! We just sit there like bloody morons! Like omfg $50 that’s FIFTY DOLLARS for a couple of grams of tobacco!!! A $1 that’s ONE DOLLAR per cigarette! ?

5 years ago
Reply to  Kiss

I could not agree with you more KIss. We are pathetic the government does what they frigging want with us and we just take it. This country is such a NANNY STATE it makes me sick. We are getting like China but they won’t admitted .

5 years ago
Reply to  Kiss

Join the discussion…

6 years ago

Mike, we’re travelling to Aus in Nov 2019. My wife is a smoker and I need to clarify what the best option will be when taking Cigs to Aus. We’re travelling from RSA to Sydney. I looked up the max that is allowed (25 Cigs). Do you have any idea what the taxation would be if we take 10 packs of 20’s abroad? I’m a vaper, what is the limits on that?

Marvin O Ramsey
Marvin O Ramsey
6 years ago

any newport cigarettes

Darren Reiske
Darren Reiske
6 years ago

Thank God I took up vaping it’s been a year since I stopped smoking and look at the money I am saving

5 years ago
Reply to  Darren Reiske

So vaping is free,is it?

Bea Brinkley
Bea Brinkley
5 years ago
Reply to  Steve

How about the recent health scare about vaping, haha

6 years ago
Reply to  Darren Reiske

Hey Darren,
Great work mate, I have a vape but struggling to switch over full time.
Any pointers would be amazing.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mon

Are you using Nicotine based vapes? If not then you may as well cold-turkey from tailored or tobacco. I gave up tobacco in September last year so it’s been 12 months now without a smoke of any type. I use a Nicotine based Vape which I get from New Zealand. It is available from – they also have a shop here in Melbourne (Northcote) which I go to, to get coils, accessories etc. Although the Nicotine is illegal to sell in Australia, it is manufactured here, sent to New Zealand and from there, can be imported from Auckland back… Read more »

Bronwyn Evans
Bronwyn Evans
6 years ago

I see that Long beach 30 are $29.95 on your website… But even at Woolies and Coles are $10 dearer.. where are they sold for website price as extra $10 Seems like not ONLY the Government taxing us but resellers are too!!! WTF!!! RIPPED OFF AT EVERY TURN!!!

6 years ago

Hi, I’m shortly travelling to Sydney from the UK. Is it possible for me to bring my own and pay the taxes on a pack of 200 Marlboro? If not how many can I legally take with me?

6 years ago

Thanks for the info Mike. Much appreciated.

6 years ago

Very interesting. Thank for the info. Well received.

6 years ago

I love that this promotes vaping, only thing is SA have already moved towards a vape ban…
Sadly they are still happy for ppl to kill themselves with a product the good old gov have taxed to the hilt… they would rather have ppl pay for medical assist once they are truly screwed from smoking…
Not always better the devil you know!

6 years ago

Hi Mike
I am a non smoker and was party to a brief discussion about smoking earlier today and wanted to know the cost of cigarettes because I had no idea until reading your site. Cigarette ash by weight must be the most expensive waste product around! Why anyone would smoke is beyond comprehension.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jim

Jim, you are right in as far as younger Australians go. They have had ample warning of the dangers and risks of smoking. Older Australians are a very different case. During the 50s, 60s70s and 80s smoking was seen as an almost essential part of society. There were no warnings from cigarette manufacturers, nor from the government. Now these mature-aged Aussies are left with an addiction that is very hard to beat (in fact near impossible for some) –

Pamela Mcilroy
Pamela Mcilroy
5 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

You are absolutely right Mike. The cigarette Companies knew smoking was highly addictive but would not let the public know, i started smoking in the late 1950’s. The cigarette Companies admitted it i think by force in the late 90’s. Mike you have done a wonderful job, thank you. ? I can’t get use to the vaping, I’ve got one but so different. They are saying now they don’t know the long term of vaping regarding health.

Bronwyn Evans
Bronwyn Evans
6 years ago

I am confused as the RRP for Long beach 30’s says $29.95 yet Woolworths and Coles both sell for around $8-10 dearer.. So why is RRP up to $10 cheaper than a supermarket which should be at least the RRP price if not cheaper???? I live in Gippsland Victoria so not even a little local store.. lol.. but large regional centre..

5 years ago

You know what I hate about all the retailers of cigarettes?
They are probably sitting on tobacos of all brands prepurchased 10 years ago….why isn’t there a used by date on cigarettes?

5 years ago
Reply to  Mark

I worked in a tobacco store , they used scan codes to check expiry, Majority of the cartons they had were expired. Even the new ones that are delivered weekly came from storages filled with dust , the store owner used glass cleaner sprays to clean the packs and sold em off, which left a bad smell and taste… after that understood why they smelt of dishwasher.

6 years ago

Absolutely bloody ludicrous, its time Australia had a yellow jacket movement!

Delores craig
Delores craig
6 years ago

Hi today i went to my local tobacconist to be told cigarrets will increase monday 4th march . Yet they went in dec by $2.00. THIS happens all the time can i believe them or r they false and just doing it . They also said alcohol will increase monday too . Is this true .

6 years ago

Interesting read than you

6 years ago

Hi mike, I quite smoking a month now I use to vape I been in hospital for about week n a half with celulitus that means I couldn’t walk on my leg I like to know why is the government lingering on cigarette prices hike, I love to through $60 on a pack of 20s $100 on roll your own thus will give people a new way of NOT giving up my brother goes through $200 a week on smokes for him and his gold digger gf, I smoke for 6 years and vaping for 1 month then gave it… Read more »

6 years ago

Then there’s quitting. It won’t cost you a cent and it might save your life.

5 years ago

Hi, I find IGA cheapest for smokes in Queensland anyway. Paying $29.95 for pall mall 30’s.

Fiona Whitmarsh
Fiona Whitmarsh
5 years ago

I’m having trouble getting my brand and all I can find out is that nobody seems to stock them near where I live. Do you have any information on Holiday? Purple.

m k
m k
5 years ago

Hi Fiona, most 7/11s stock Holiday Purples 🙂

5 years ago

Holiday Reds are the same strength as Horizon Purple 10mg. Holiday is a superior smoke these days and you should be able to find them in most Woolworths stores they are stocking them.

5 years ago

Lets not forget the government actually relies on the excise, the last few years we ave had had a hole in the budget due to people giving up/vaping. I smoked for 20 years, vaped for 3 and now am completely off. What i can tell you is the cancer council wants you to stay smoking … If you quit it looses funding.

5 years ago

well there are ways that you can remain constant with tobacco prices. i.e resorting to under the counter packs, i can buy various colourful and decent packs under the counter for about $16 and this price has remained consistant for over 3 years. ive also attempted the “100’s box” of “chop chop” tobacco, which tastes bloody awful, but at $36 for a 100 sticks, it is quiet attractive in this time period, if you want cheaper tobacco prices i suggest you head to your local asian run corner milkbar and ask if they sell anything under the counter.

5 years ago

At the moment I consider Holiday Reds as the best quality budget cigarette on the market and ive tried them all. Lovely light yellow tobacco with a rich smooth taste for around $19.95 from Woolworths. Taste almost the same as Dunhill Reds for a far cheaper price.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rod

Agreed pleasantly surprised with taste and quality of holidays red, 3 months later and $21.95 for packs of 20 literally the cheapest pack from woollies yesterday 26 June 19

5 years ago

Parker & Simpson ?

5 years ago
Reply to  Ree

GARBAGE dont do it. Buy Holidays from woolies theyre good or Deal blues from Coles if youre desperate for a budget smoke.

Pamela Mcilroy
Pamela Mcilroy
5 years ago

Thank your very much for this information Mike. Us smokers are being discriminated, why does the Government have a discrimination act if it doesn’t apply to smokers. It’s all a scam for the Government go make money it’s nothing to do with health, many non smokers get cancer. Also smoking is highly addictive, worse than other drugs. I’ve been smoking for 56 yrs the only health problem i have is depression. The Government have no right to stop us from smoking. This rubbish about 2nd hand smoke is bad for other people is false, there even saying now not to… Read more »

5 years ago

Does anyone know who we report to about cigarette price extortion. Pack of JPS 30’s at $62.00. I understand convenience costs an extra 10%-40% but what this particular service station is charging is outright highway robbery.

5 years ago
Reply to  Katt

I would try the Ombudsmen’s office.

john forbes
john forbes
5 years ago

we are being ripped off of course. I have now been a smoker for 55 years, and I think I have good health. car exhausts are the real killer.

front row boy
front row boy
5 years ago

Welp time to head down and buy my tax evading $16 pack, or just buy some fowl chop chop’s 100 pack for 36 bucks. The government cant hold back these retailers and how they can find money, eventually the tobacco market will become a black market. And you will all be surprised how many shops are starting to sell “cheap smokes”.

5 years ago

This is why I live in Fort Lauderdale. Cigs at $6-7 a beer $4. 6 pak corona $10 wages are lower some people are crazy and few guns about . But I think I used to pay $80/120 per day for child care. Here $120 a week includes lunch! I love Australia just can’t afford to live there too many taxes. Anyway that’s my 2bob

Sjw smasher
Sjw smasher
5 years ago

I think the politicians that dreampt up this delusional tax system of the stressed tobacco smokers. (Let’s stress out the already under stress people) those people will be in jail within the next 25 year’s. This is a crime that only our delusional government would dream up not realising the backlash that’ll come from this. It’ll take time as everything dose but in the end the people who have done this will be prison currency…

5 years ago
Reply to  Sjw smasher

Kevin Rudd added $3 tax per packet to cigs because he wasted all the money. Smokers were horrified but Kev said the money would be spent on better health. Of course it wasn’t! He also introduced a 12.5% tax increase to be applied every year. Of course if people still keep buying cigs they are not going to drop the taxes. Liberal have continued to add the 12.5% tax as well. A pack of 20 Marlboro Red was 39 cents 1970 which was about 1% of the average wage of $39pw. A pack of Marlboro now is around $40. I… Read more »

Andrew C
Andrew C
5 years ago

Hello Mike. This is a excellent work compiling the retail price data, The tobacco extortion Aussie tax racks in 11.6 billion dollars currently and it’s soon to hit 12 billion by years end. Thank ****, I quit tobacco 17 months ago, I rather my money in my pocket, rather than someone elses pocket. I don’t make much money but with that cash that I’m no longer spending on smokes, I enjoyed 2 holidays so far and soon going on my 3rd holiday. Theres never going to be a end to this, but this will hurt the most affected people that… Read more »

john forbes
john forbes
5 years ago

they are expensive, but I enjoy

5 years ago

Vaping causes popcorn lung…it doesnt dissipate..just li gers for hours…

5 years ago

I think you meant “the benefits of E-cigarettes” not “cigarettes”.
I agree completely, I researched and found out propylene glycol and chemical flavours cause health problems, just like in foods and personal cleaning agents, but organic vegetable glycerine and organic plant derived flavours don’t, and in some.cases may impart some healthful antioxidant properties, so may actually help heal lungs damaged from smoking, as they slowly steam clean them.
My favourite vape juice manufacturer is Vape Organics made in California

5 years ago

For those that do not know…Woolworths has Parker & Simpson 20’s, (not sure if larger pks as yet), at least $5-6.00 cheaper than other brands. JPS is same company going by label info. The hater below needs to get a life, people are people…circumstances can hit anyone and kick them down…im in Housing ignoramous, im white and was born here…escaping a nasty piece of work as yourself put me and my kids here. If you bash others with your mouth online, you more than likely bash in the physical..gutless too i see…anonnymous..pfft.

5 years ago

I will be visiting aust. soon. This is very informative.

5 years ago

So glad I don’t live there I get a carton of cigarettes for 52.00 that’s 10 packs and I thought that was bad but it’s not if you have to pay that much for one pack

Rachael Johnson
Rachael Johnson
5 years ago

Hi Mike. Thanks for the info. Greatly appreciated. I find it disgraceful that a legal addictive habit costs Australian citizens so much. The government treats us like second hand citizens at the best of times. Yep im a smoker and have tried everything to quit. Hypnosis. Vaping.just spent $495 on some quit tablet thing supported by the government that didnt work either. I would give my right arm to quit! Well figuratively speaking…. people forget smoking is legal and yet we get no support. Drug addicts on the other hand get free controlled Meth programs to control their addictions. Sent… Read more »

5 years ago

Hi Rachael, I have had an Accupuncture treatment done, and it is a ONE treatment, walk in a smoker, walk out a non smoker, guaranteed! There is however, 2% of the population it does not work on (they don’t know why?), but for me, a person who finds it extremely difficult to give up, it worked! I don’t know where you live and this particular practice is in Brisbane, but you can contact them and find out if there are any of these particular practitioners in your area? I would also like to state that I have had other forms… Read more »

5 years ago

It depends on what the government is hoping to achieve. By making cigarettes so expensive that most lower middle class households can’t afford them, or worse neglect essential items to pay for the habit, they’re just going to create another lucrative black-market like they’ve done with illicit drugs. So no quality control, leading to bacterial lung infections, “cigarettes” laced with more addictive substances, and making another class of ordinary citizens into criminals. If they want to stop people from smoking. Just make sure that legal Menthol cigarettes are all that is available and at least half the population will quit… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Adam

Love ya work Adam!

5 years ago

It simple, If you want to affect change, take that “how to vote card” and throw it in the bin (or better yet, don’t take it). There are lots of minority parties fighting hard for for greater freedom and less government intervention for Australian citizens. Luckily, we still live in a democracy (as was proved during the 2019 federal election, where the pundits had it wrong). Though in the short term, it’s doing to be a Labor / Liberal duopoly, it’s starting to crumble though. Some parties who’s policies i’d look at and make a decision based on your own… Read more »

5 years ago

One day all of us will stop smoking… then what where will the Tax, to compensate the lack of Tobacco Tax come from??? It will come from everybody not just smokers. The Government don’t care about our Health, they just care about the money they are making from discriminating against smokers. Is there a Tax on booze like there is on smoking??? as I don’t drink so I have no idea.

5 years ago
Reply to  Charlotte

There is a tax on alcohol, yes. I don’t drink anymore but if I remember rightly, when they began taxing tabacco, they began taxing alcohol? I was paying $17 for a 750ml bottle of Bundy ($15 on special), now it’s around $40 for a 700ml.

5 years ago

Hi Mike, you have a list of when prices were increased by 12.5% in September 2018 and in 2019, 2020, in September they will go up again by the same percent. Do you have accessibility to price rises by Woolworths and Coles between September 2018 until now?

5 years ago

Hi Mike – do you know if the government is likely to increase excise by 12.50% pa beyond 1/9/20?

5 years ago

Bloody hell how doyou afford to smoke

5 years ago
Reply to  Denise

You drive a car,don’t you?

William Schwalm
William Schwalm
5 years ago

Why can’t you people make a packet of ten’s, or fifteens???

5 years ago

smoking bad

5 years ago

Well done, thank you

5 years ago

Damn let’s all smokers of Australia get on strike or just don’t buy cigarettes for one month .
The government will lose billions in just one month that’s the only way to push the prices down.
Government don’t want you to stop believe me its 100 billion dollars tax money that government take from smokers in one year???

5 years ago
Reply to  Norin

They too bloody busy establishing safe shooting houses for the junkies, so they can inject every possible illegal drug into their veins.
But when it comes to tobacco,,,,,screw the buggers..

5 years ago

Due to the price increases I’ve changed my habits and now just smoke ice instead

Kerrie dawson
Kerrie dawson
5 years ago

I would like to give them up as I can’t afford and my health but I have tryed nice rate puffers and hewing gum they both give me serve hipcups and Champac I can’t take so this vapour how safe is that ?