Whooping Cough Vaccine Cost in Australia

Whooping Cough – a disease which causes coughing so deadly and persistent, that those who are infected struggle to breathe during uncontrollable coughing fits. But how much does a whooping cough vaccine cost in Australia?
But thankfully, there’s an easy way to prevent you or your family getting it – a vaccination.
Here’s the whooping cough vaccine cost in Australia:
$30 – $50 to fill the vaccination prescription (depending on the chemist) plus the doctor’s fee for the vaccination itself. Bulk Billing is usually available.
The vaccination is free for pregnant women who are 28 weeks or more in all states in Australia.
For specific pricing, please call your local chemist or visit on of the following websites:
- NSW – http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/immunisation/Pages/adult_vaccination.aspx
- VIC – https://www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/immunisation/adults/nip-and-state-funded-vaccines/whooping-cough-vaccine
- WA – http://healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/U_Z/Whooping-cough-pertussis
- NT – https://nt.gov.au/wellbeing/healthy-living/immunisation/whooping-cough-vaccination
- SA – http://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au
- QLD – https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/immunisation/adults
What is whooping cough?
Scientifically named Pertussis (Wikipedia), the contagious disease is an infection of the lungs and airways. Resulting in the infected to cough violently and uncontrollably.
The disease isn’t to be taken lightly as a mere coughing fit. It can lead to brain damage, pneumonia, and sometimes it can even be fatal.
So your best bet of keeping yourself or someone you know out of harms way, is to take note of the prices above and vaccinate.
How often do you need the vaccination?
Unfortunately, the vaccination generally isn’t a once in a lifetime event – meaning you’ll most likely need to get vaccinated more than once if your life.

Frequency Of Vaccine For Whooping Cough Australia
According to The Australian Immunisation Handbook (link), these are the stages when the whooping cough vaccinations should be taken:
- Pregnant woman (28 weeks)
- 6 weeks (initial vaccine 1st dose of 3)
- 2 months (initial vaccine 2nd dose of 3)
- 6 months (initial vaccine final dose of 3)
- 18 months (booster dose)
- 4 years (booster dose)
- 12 years (booster dose)
- 65 years (booster dose)
- Every 10 years after (booster dose)
However, if you are a healthcare worker, work in early childhood education and care, or care for infants under 6 months of age, they recommend getting a booster dose of the vaccine every 10 years (even before 65 years of age).
How long does the vaccine last?
As you can see from the list above, the time between each vaccination varies depending on the stage of your life.
Infants and children are far more susceptible to the disease hence the more frequent vaccinations.
Once you grow into an adult, the need to vaccinate almost disappears unless you’re lifestyles falls under certain conditions (as above).
How can you tell if you have whooping cough?
These are the symptoms:
- Sneezing more often than usual
- Unusually blocked or runny nose
- Temperate slightly higher than normal
- Uncontrollable coughing fits with ‘whooping’ sounds and struggling to breathe
- Feeling of or actually vomiting after coughing
Symptoms start occurring around 8 days after being infected. Coughing fits can often happen during the night and prevent you from sleeping.

Diagnosis Of Whooping Cough Australia
Some young infants may have the disease and not cough at all.
A great example of what Whooping Cough looks and sounds like in an infant can be found here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3oZrMGDMMw
Similarly, this is what it looks like in an adult – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31tnXPlhA7w
If you believe you have whooping cough, please contact your local doctor immediately.
There is a simple test taken via a back of the mouth swab.
Good luck!
We are not health professionals and cannot provide you with a diagnosis of your condition. Please consult your local GP for professional advice.
Hopefully this article was of help to you. If you have any thoughts on the vaccine cost, know where it can be done cheaper, or would like any more info – please leave a comment below.
If you would like to find out how much other services or goods costs in Australia, take a look around my website or just read up on general tips on how to save money.
Hi Mike, I’m struggling with this. As a grandparent to be, I don’t think I’ve ever had a whooping cough shot & so I assume I should get the full dose. Will I also have to have booster shots? As a pensioner, At $40+ a shot, it’s going to be expensive. If it’s considered so important now why isn’t the vaccination free for grandparents?
Good question Felix. Generally, yes – you should get the full dose if you’re going to be around newborns (especially if you’ve never had the vaccination before). It’s unlikely that you’ll need the booster shot. I’m not sure why the vaccination isn’t free – it should be. As I’m not a health professional, I’d recommend heading down to your GP and working out the specifics with them. Hope this helps! – Mike
Felix- it’s very likely that your GP will give you the shot without cost. As both a pensioner and on account of you being involved in the care of young children. My GP has often given me vaccines (including the flu vaccine every year) as I’m more susceptible to picking up infection (having previously worked with large numbers of childrenn for 28+ years) and now as a pensioner. I had whooping cough about ten years ago. It was not pleasant trying to teach and use my voice all day at an elevated level. It lasted for almost 9 months. (I… Read more »
Sorry to hear about your experience Louise 🙁 Symptoms can vary from person to person but it sounds like you got the worst of it…
Glad I could help!
Oh dear! Tasmania doesn’t seem to be included in your “Australian states”!
Sorry to hear that Louise was teaching children whilst she had whooping cough….
Anyway, terrific to have this important site up for people wishing to be directed and informed.
About to become a grandparent myself, and understand the relevance of such a vaccine. Cost is no barrier to life.
Was just curious Hi Mike,
Just wondering, why is it specifically 28 weeks that the mother should get vaccinated? Also, why is it made free for just mothers and not parents in general? Are mothers giving birth at a much higher risk of causing infection to their child due to childbirth than the father/other parent?
Hi Charo – good question!
It’s recommended to have the vaccine at 28 weeks as it’s sort of a two-for-one hit. The mother gets vaccinated and some of the antibodies are also transferred to the baby.
As for only mother receiving the free vaccine, I think it’s a combination of the above and the general feeling mother spend more time around babies in their infant years.
Hope this helps!
If its free for pregnant women how come the chemist just charged me $50?
Hi Nicole – that is very strange. Did you visit your GP beforehand to get the prescription?
Most states have a government initiative which provides the vaccine free of charge to pregnant women in their third trimester.